Spherical tanks
Lanpec provides engineering, design, manufacture, delivery & site assembly for the spherical tanks containing: LPG, NG, LNG,ethylene, propylene, butadiene, vinyl chloride, ammonia, oxygen, and nitrogen, etc. How to make a sphere? (Refer to above photos) 1. Engineering by using Ansys software. 2.Tank wall pressing by Lanpec 2x2000 ton spherical hydraulic press. 3. Tank wall shape rectification. 4. Delivery from Lanpec workshop gate. 5. Site assembly welding heat treatment. 6. Completion & handover. Design codes: The spherical tanks will be designed, fabricated and tested in accordance with the code ASME Sect. VIII DIV1, 2, with or without U/U2 stamp. Engineering & design capabilities: Mechanical Design: #Strength calculation as per ASME Section VIII Div.1, 2 #Pressure part calculation #Wind and seismic calculation #Support legs and bracings calculation #Foundation load #Base plate calculation #Local stress verification #Anchor bolts sizing Design By F.E.M : #Sphere Tank finite element analysis (by ANSYS) as per ASME Section VIII Div.2 (Part 5) Tank Nozzles : #The nozzles (with piping load )shall be stress analyzed by F.E.M Ladder & Platforms #Design of Helical stairs, landing, railing and platform and relevant detail fabrication drawings Water spray cooling system #Water spray cooling system design Typical references: |