Desalter & Dehydrators
In the processing of the curde oil preliminary treatment, the desalination & dehydration are essential steps. The task of the dehydrator is the removal of insoluble and emulsified water from oil, while the desalter is identical to the dehydrator in working principle, but the task of the desalter is the removal of water soluble salts (in water). A well-designed desalter unit is the key to ensure the a low corrision nature of the crude oil transmitted from oil fields and the safety of downstream facilities. Lanpec desalters provide dependable performance, typically reduce salt content less than 3 ppm. The lanpec dehydrator features at a high dehydration rate with a lower operation temprature, reducing cost & energy consumption. Performamce Characteristic Dehydrator: #Watercut≤0.2~0.5% #Oilinoutletwater: ≤0.2% #Salinity:30mg/l Desalter: #Saltcontent: 3ppm |