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Mounted skids


A modularization strategy offers ascendant advantages versus on-site manufacturing. 

During the last 30 years, lanpec has supplied over 1000 modular skids, both onshore and offshore (platform, FPSO), providing tailor made designs based on inletfeedconditions and guaranteed outlet specifications.

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Why to choose lanpec module?

The purpose of modularization is to provide a completely prefabricated skid-mounted unit, thus miniming site works. 

Lanpec module is the key choice in following situation:

  1. Off shore sites, where on-site manufacturing is hardly possible and plot area optimization is compulsory.

  2. Existing plants, where on-going operations are an obstacle to safeon-site activities.

  3. Anysites, where lack of manpower, labor quality and availability.


Address: 588# East Huifeng St., Jinshan, Shanghai, P.R.China 201518 

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Lanpec Technologies Limited(Shanghai)

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